Wednesday, June 26, 2013

El Mirador apartments

Sketching El Mirador apartments reveals the wonderful proportions of each of its parts as well as the ingenuous ways in which the facade is composed.

I've wanted to sketch the front elevation of this gem of a building in the downtown for a while now, but have been hampered by the fact that, across the street from El Mirador, I would need to stand in front of a full window in full view of a large architectural firm. This makes me nervous. That firm has now moved, and the window in question is vacant. Unfortunately, I had the wrong kind of ink in my fountain pen for the sketch I had imagined, so I'll have to do this again. However, I don't mind the resultant effects.

1 comment:

  1. Have you had a chance to think about sketching this building again? I'm a tenant Here and would love to see some more work and purchase some of your work on the building if possible
    Love your stuff
